Pernille Egeskov works with a distinctive, enticingly eccentric universe of collage and object art spun from fabric, thread, found objects and organic materials. The artist uses these elements like paint on canvas, or she sculpts them, relief-like, into images and installation of rare, strange beauty and skill.Her deployment of unusual devices – such as found scraps of old fabric bearing signs of wear and lived life, textiles with established inherent purpose and meaning such as curtains, sheets, coats and underpants, human hair used for sewing and static electricity acting as the ‘glue’ keeping the collages together – helps her create a sensuous visual world charged with meaning; a world that encompasses everything from the aesthetically refined to the coarse and rough.
Egeskov is also vibrantly sensitive to the latent transcendence of everyday objects. However, she adds a new kind of existential immediacy and presence to her artistic treatment of found objects.
The distinctive, intense intimacy that Egeskov achieves in her compositions of found materials rests on the fact that she often selects and processes utterly humble, unprepossessing fabrics and objects. These are materials that stretch across time, representing universal aspects of the human condition rather than the spirit of a particular epoch. Her interest focuses on the material aspects that make up everyday life; on those found objects and mundane materials that form the backdrop of lived life.
Egeskov’s compositions are primarily abstract, yet subtly hint at narratives about our complex relationships with each other, for example as couples and as families. They touch upon fundamental aspects of existence – the passage of time, the inevitability of decay, the fact that we must all lose much that is precious to us and ultimately perish ourselves. In that sense, her works address themes relevant to all.
Stylistically, her art draws on movements such as Suprematism and nonfigurative Surrealism, and on artists such as Louise Bourgeois and Rosemarie Trockel.
In addition to working on her own art, Egeskov has launched the exhibition concept ‘Pop Up Contemporary’, demonstrating a unique, generous willingness and ability to create and facilitate alternative exhibition venues for new art. Mediated through ‘Pop Up Contemporary’, new art pops up in unexpected places, giving rise to striking artistic constellations that cut across contemporary art’s established schools and centres.
Merete Sanderhoff, mag. art., curator, The National Gallery of Denmark.
Merete Sanderhoff, Mag. art., museumsinspektør Statens Museum for Kunst.
Pernille Egeskov
Phone: +45 21264670
Vesterbrogade 40, 5 tv
1620 Copenhagen V
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