Pernille Egeskov – Take Care

4.800,00 DKR / 644 EUR

Originalt farvelitografi. Signeret og nummereret af kunstneren. Trykt i 100 eksemplarer på 300g BFK Rives syrefrit bomuldspapir.

Format: 60 x 85,5 cm

2022, trykt i Paris på Atelier Clot  – bestil det via mail på


Adresse: Sophienholm, Nybrovej 401, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Telefon: 45 97 65 00
Kontakt: personalet


Tirsdag – torsdag kl. 11-20.
Fredag – søndag kl. 11-17.
Helligdage kl. 11-17 (dog lukket 24., 25., 26. og 31. december samt 1. januar).

En omvisning går i dybden med udstillingen. Køb en privat omvisning eller book billet til en offentlig omvisning – se datoerne her.

Parken er åben dagligt kl. 7-21.

A group exhibition with A. K. Dolven (N), Minna Kangasmaa (FI) and Pernille Egeskov, (DK)

Curated by Pernille Egeskov in cooperation with Barbara Læssøe Stephensen


Three Nordic artists A K Dolven (NO), Minna Kangasmaa (FI) and Pernille Egeskov (DK) are brought together to highlight the double meaning of Take Care: An injunction to distance and caution, and an appeal to cherish something. Today, we live on a knife-edge of the two meanings, where it becomes clear that what we do – or don’t do – is passed down to the next generations. How we as people try to find the balance in care, in a time when we also have to make the care reach large communities and nature.


The Pikisaari Biennale is a site-specific art biennale that takes place every two years and brings contemporary art to the historic environment of Pikisaari island. In general, a biennial means an international contemporary art exhibition that repeats every other year. The oldest of these events is the Venice Biennale, which started in 1895. Today, more than 200 international biennales are organized worldwide, including the major biennales in Gwangju, Shanghai, São Paulo, Berlin, Istanbul, and Liverpool. But how small can a biennale be? The Pikisaari Biennale may be the world’s smallest biennale. Two artists have been invited to it: composer, performer and media artist Makiko Nishikaze from Berlin and visual artist Pernille Egeskov from Copenhagen, whose works the biennale presents as two consecutive entities. By being small, the Pikisaari Biennale challenges to think about the meaning and importance of small art events. First Pikisaari Biennale 2022 directs its gaze to the immediate surroundings with the theme “You are here”.

I am participating in the exhibition at Bornholm Art Museum, Bornholmermalere tur->retur, a mixture of contemporary and modernist artists how relate to the island Bornholm.
25.6.2022 – 26.02.2023


From the 20th century are shown works by: Michael Ancher, Julius Paulsen, Kristian Zahrtmann, Olaf Rude, Karl Isakson, Edvard Weie, Oluf Høst, Hedvig Høst, Harald Giersing, Andreas Friis, Ernst Køie, Sophus Danneskjold-Samsøe, Kamma Salto, Sigurd Swane, Jais Nielsen, William Scharff.

And the contemporary artists are:  Emil Westmann Hertz, Michael Geertsen, Pernille Egeskov, Linnea Jensen, Ole Christensen, Anders Ruhwald, Hans Munch Andersen, Marie Rubienke, Silas Inoue, Christina Augustesen og Nicolai Howalt.

rede, a small solo exhibition with 15 objects at goldsmith Edith Hegedüs, Christian IX´s gade 10, Copenhagen.
The title has a double meaning: it means “nest” as well as “to be prepared” as well as “comb once hair”.



Finally I managed to transfer my atomic video performance Bluebeard from 1998 to be shown digitally!
Bluebeard was my graduation project and was in addition to the graduation exhibition shown at Artgenda in Stockholm.
See the work at my site or at this link

Juleudstilling i Udstillingssted for Tekstil.
Møntergade 6, 1116 København K Onsdag-lørdag 12-18 frem til 23.12.2021


NOW you can visit Artland and have a 3D tour at the MAN-MAID-NATURE  (and part 2 here) exhibition in Helsinki! For the very first time at Artland you can listen to each artist telling about their own works with their own voice!!


NEW INTERVIEW about Pop-Up Contemporary and MAN-MAID-NATURE!!  Link to new interview in Artland with curator Claire Gould and I

The Nordic group exhibition Man-Maid-Nature is about to go to HELSINKI
VERNISSAGE: Wednesday 16th March, 2021
EXHIBITION: 17-28.03.2021
LOCATION: Gallery LOKAL+, Annankatu 11, 00120, FINLAND

The works in this exhibition embrace the very nature of what is ’man-made’ by playfully repurposing existing materials, resources, even capturing the immaterial. Through diverse practices, they reflect on how materials can be re-appropriated, take on parallel existences, or be in dialogue with each other.
Curated by Claire Gould
About Guest Curator, Claire Gould (1973, UK/FI).
For the last two decades years Claire has been working and studying in Germany and Finland working at the British Council, Helsinki, Hamburger Bahnhof/Museum der Gegenwart, Berlin, CHART art fair, Copenhagen. Since 2005 she has been a Curator at Helsinki Art Museum (HAM), curating group and solo exhibitions of Finnish and international artists including Ulla Jokisalo, Ola Kolehmainen, Taryn Simon, Yayoi Kusama and Gilbert & George. Since October 2019 Claire has been on sabbatical from HAM, working as a Curator at Copenhagen Photo Festival, and is currently studying an MA in Curating at Aarhus University.

The works in this exhibition embrace the very nature of what is ’man-made’ by playfully repurposing existing materials, resources, even capturing the immaterial. Through diverse practices, they reflect on how materials can be re-appropriated, take on parallel existences, or be in dialogue with each other.
Curated by Claire Gould
About Guest Curator, Claire Gould (1973, UK/FI).
For the last two decades years Claire has been working and studying in Germany and Finland working at the British Council, Helsinki, Hamburger Bahnhof/Museum der Gegenwart, Berlin, CHART art fair, Copenhagen. Since 2005 she has been a Curator at Helsinki Art Museum (HAM), curating group and solo exhibitions of Finnish and international artists including Ulla Jokisalo, Ola Kolehmainen, Taryn Simon, Yayoi Kusama and Gilbert & George. Since October 2019 Claire has been on sabbatical from HAM, working as a Curator at Copenhagen Photo Festival, and is currently studying an MA in Curating at Aarhus University.


At Vendsyssel Art Museum you can now experience the artwork Jeg bor i Vendsyssel/ i Danmark/ i Europa/ i verden/ i universet (I live in Vendsyssel/ in Denmark/ in Europe / in the World/ in the Universe) an artwork about belonging – or not to belong –  to somewhere.
Belonging is a collection of `voices´ of local residents of the Vendsyssel area. For the work I asked 9 locals in the age between 10 – 88 years if one feels that one belongs, or not belongs to a given place? If one could loose the feeling? And what was needed if not feeling to belong? All interviews are transcribed in spoken language.

Bornholm Art Museum has acquired two of my works:

Blinded shutters, lights, audio recording of a family during ordinary evening hours.
124 x 107 x 8,5 cm

and HAM, (Sloughing )
Withered leaves, imprint of human body.
180 x 60 x 25 cm 


Opening my exhibition Risse und Spalten 21-3-2019 at 19 o’clock in Haus 8, Kiel, Germany.
Supported by Schleswig-Holstein Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, Kiel Sailing City and

Participate with a lecture about my exhibition called HOME: Konference, Carlsberg Akademi d. 4. april 2019 kl. 09.00 – 14.00.

Vi vasker tøj, vi gør rent, vi passer børn, vi laver kunst. Velkommen til en lavpraktisk udstilling om hverdagslivet. Om alle de huslige opgaver, der uanset familieforhold, social baggrund, alder og psyke udføres hver eneste dag parallelt rundt om i de mange hjem. Arbejde der kun ses, når det ikke bliver gjort. Huslige gøremål der genskabes om og om igen. Endelig er bunden af vasketøjskurven nået, men dagen efter er den atter fyldt op. Om og om igen foregår der fødsler over hele jorden. Når et nyt barn bliver født, fødes der også en hel ny dagligdag med og omkring det barn og mange praktiske gøremål fødes. Titlen OM OG OM IGEN peger også på de kønsmæssige skævvridninger, der måske eksisterer i det praktiske arbejde i familierne og som også er at finde i kunstverdenen. En diskussion der tages op om og om igen.
Udstillingen er kurateret af Camilla Thorup og Anne Torpe

Vi vasker tøj, vi gør rent, vi passer børn, vi laver kunst. Velkommen til en lavpraktisk udstilling om hverdagslivet. Om alle de huslige opgaver, der uanset familieforhold, social baggrund, alder og psyke udføres hver eneste dag parallelt rundt om i de mange hjem. Arbejde der kun ses, når det ikke bliver gjort. Huslige gøremål der genskabes om og om igen. Endelig er bunden af vasketøjskurven nået, men dagen efter er den atter fyldt op. Om og om igen foregår der fødsler over hele jorden. Når et nyt barn bliver født, fødes der også en hel ny dagligdag med og omkring det barn og mange praktiske gøremål fødes. Titlen OM OG OM IGEN peger også på de kønsmæssige skævvridninger, der måske eksisterer i det praktiske arbejde i familierne og som også er at finde i kunstverdenen. En diskussion der tages op om og om igen.
Udstillingen er kurateret af Camilla Thorup og Anne Torpe

Randers Kunstmuseum has acquired the installation "Forbrødring" for its collection

Forbrødring (Reconciliation), Pernille Egeskov, 2018

Participating at the exhibition Salon Europa in Burg Posterstein, Germany

Read the conversastion between Pernille Egeskov and Merete Sanderhoff, National Museum of Art, at Sanderhoffs blog

Europa, 28 layers of paper of various length, pencil, wooden clamps, variable dimensions. 2018


Revner & Sprækker, exhibition at Gammelgaard, opening 13.01.2018 at 15.00.

Pernille Egeskov, 134 x 190 x 6 cm. Woodvener on canvas

NYE VOKSNE, (New Adults)
The Royal Danish Library, Oktogonen, Copenhagen
Solo show:An exhibition about young people between the ages of 16 and 21 and their transition from childhood to adulthood.
31.09-13.10.2017 Opening mon – Fri 08 -21, Sat 09-19

“New Adults, Laundry Photography”.


Duette with John Olsen and Pernille Egeskov
Pop-Up Contemporary 08, Bagerstræde 2, Copenhagen.
31.09 – 30.09.2017. Opening Man – Fri 12-17, Sat 11-15

“Rede” embroidery with humanhair on silk.

“Madam Butterfly” The Royal Opera Copenhagen repremiere 17.09.2017. Carpet and costume design.

Front Carpet

Front Carpet by Pernille Egeskov

Art talk på Statens Værksteder for Kunst, 2. marts 2017 kl. 16.30

Pernille Egeskov Christina Wilson

De færreste billedkunstnere tænker på virksomheder som en mulig udstillingsplatform
eller samarbejdspartner i deres daglige arbejde. Endnu færre på at kunsten kan indgå i
facilitering af virksomhedens udviklingsprojekter. Det er en stor fejl. Det viser sig nemlig,
at virksomheder, der investerer i kunst, får medarbejderne til at tænke nyt – de får med
ét sat et andet perspektiv på deres arbejdsopgaver. Forskningsresultater bliver perspektiveret,
problemstillinger eksemplificeret og kommunikationen mellem ledelse og medarbejdere
ændrer sig. Og hvis virksomheden har modet til det, kan kunstneren tilbyde en helt ny
fortolkning af organisationen og produkternes identitet.  Med andre ord, kunst kan have
mange funktioner og stor indflydelse på virksomhedens liv.

 Statens Værksteder for Kunst har inviteret billedkunstner, Pernille Egeskov, og
kunstrådgiver, Christina Wilson, til at give deres erfaringer og råd til udøvende
og virksomheder, der ønsker at blive klogere på et givent samarbejde.

 Der er fri entré, men et begrænset antal pladser. Tilmelding via

 Se mere:

Pernille Egeskov among the four nominees to Scandinavia’s biggest award for art created by textile !! Hooray


Papier trifft Textil, groupshow, KUNST&CO, Verein für Gegenwartskunst, Flensburg, Germany. 18/11-11/12-2016


VIEW, 160x110x5 cm, strips of clothing, curtain, wood frame, 2016

HJEM, Solo Exhibition at Nikolaj Plads 9, 1. Copenhagen,  May 2016.

pernille egeskov

Rotation, 2016, Pernille Egeskov

Skærmbillede 2016-04-08 kl. 10.45.33


Soloexhibition at Nikolaj plads 9, 1 Copenhagen.
Open 27 May, 11 – 18 and 28 May, 10 – 16


Pernille Egeskov participates in Dansk Design Nu, 2016 at The Danish Museum of Design, Copenhagen.
Opening the 10th of March 17-19, Bredgade 68, 1260 Copenhagen

PernillePude11387The Swing of Things 2015 (Pillow with the marking of a face, human hair embroidery)